2021年7月6日 星期二

英文選讀:My Lost Youth


My Lost Youth

By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Often I think of the beautiful town

That is seated by the sea;

Often in thought go up and down

The pleasant old streets

Of that dearold town,

And my youth comes back to me.

And the verse of a Lapland song

Is haunting my memory still:

“A boy’swill is the wind’s will,

And the thoughts of youth

arelong, long thoughts.”

I can see the shadowy lines of its trees,

And catch in sudden gleams,

The sheen of the far-surrounding seas,

And the islands that were the Hesperides

Of all my boyishdreams.

And the burden of that old song,

It murmurs and whispers still:

“A boy’swill is the wind’s will,

And the thoughts of youth

arelong, long thoughts.”

